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Ethical Practices

Grade 6 Science Worksheets

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What is Ethics?

Suppose you were unprepared for your test and had to look into your neighbor’s sheet for an answer. Or you lied to your parents about how late you were out the night before. Or you stole cash from your mom’s purse for candy. All these would be forms of Unethical Behavior. Not doing any such actions or showing any such behavior would indicate that you possess Ethics and that you are an Ethical person.

Ethics is the Code of Moral Principles or Code of Conduct that we set for our own behaviors and actions, at school, at the workplace, in our family, in our business, because these principles and practices are considered “Good” for individuals and for society. It is important that we all exhibit ethics in our life to become better individuals and for the betterment of the society in which we live.

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Ethics in Science

Ethics is equally important in the process of scientific inquiry undertaken by scientists as it is in common life and society. Ethics in science demands Honesty and Integrity in all stages of scientific practice. It is the foundation of Scientific Ethics.

What does scientific ethics mean if you work in a scientific field?

It means–

  1. That you are professionally competent and disciplined as a scientist or a researcher
  2. That you accurately observe, record, and report all results from your observations and experiments
  3. That you exhibit integrity and objectivity in conducting scientific inquiry by removing bias
  4. That you do not allow your personal ambitions, desires, and wishes to cloud your scientific analysis, judgment, and reporting
  5. That you respect the privacy and confidentiality of participants you may involve for your research (for example, when you are conducting tests on humans)
  6. That you acknowledge and publicly attribute the contributions of other scientists and collaborators in your research and inquiry
  7. That you perform scientific inquiry with the purpose of benefiting society – a “Duty to society”

Working in science is not only exciting, but it also demands upright morals and principles.

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Check Point

  1. Our behaviors, actions, at school, at the workplace, in our family, and in our business, determine our ______.
  2. Honesty and Integrity in all stages of scientific practice is the foundation of ______.
  3. Which of the following is NOT an ethical practice in scientific inquiry?
    1. Respecting privacy and confidentiality of research participants
    2. Manipulating data to suit your personal ambition
    3. Removal of biases in observations and reporting
    4. Professional competence and discipline
  4. Which of the following is NOT an ethical practice in scientific inquiry?
    1. Accurately observing, recording, and reporting results
    2. Acknowledging and publicly attributing the contributions of other scientists
    3. Performing scientific inquiry as a duty to society
    4. Blindly guessing the answer

Answer Key

  1. Ethics
  2. Scientific Ethics
  3. b) Manipulating data to suit your personal ambition
  4. d) Blindly guessing the answer

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