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Algebra 2 Online Back to School Program

With Best Algebra 2 Expert Tutors and Algebra 2 Online practice

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The Online Algebra 2 Back to School Program is the best way to learn advanced algebra and trigonometry concepts from anywhere, at anytime. All you need is a computer and an internet connection for it.

eTutorWorld’s Algebra 2 Back to school Tutors take responsibility of your progress. Each tutor’s experience, subject expertise and compassion combined with the ‘Learning by Design‘ teaching methodology ensure that you make headway at school and beyond.

Below is a suggested schedule for the Algebra 2 back to school tutoring program. According to this timetable, a student is projected to attend three regular algebra tutoring sessions every week. This schedule may be different for you, depending on your schedule, learned math concepts in the past and daily progress.

  • Graphing linear equations, absolute value equations
  • Graphing linear inequalities
  • Solving system of linear inequalities by graphing
  • Solving system of linear equations by graphing
  • Solving system of linear equations by elimination
  • Solving system of linear equations by substitution
  • Word problems on system of linear equations and linear inequalities
  • Introduction to matrices and addition and subtraction of matrices
  • Multiplication of matrices
  • Solving determinants and finding matrix inverse
  • Operations on complex numbers, powers of i, and absolute value on complex numbers
  • Rationalizing imaginary denominators
  • Solving quadratic equations by graphing
  • Solving quadratic equations by quadratic formula
  • Solving quadratic equations by completing the square method
  • Properties of logarithms and exponents
  • Solving logarithmic equations
  • Solving exponential equations
  • Finding trigonometric ratios from the triangle given
  • Sine rule
  • Cosine rule
  • Review
  • Queries

End-of-Course- Assessment




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Online Algebra 2 tutors to help you catch up & get ahead of class

The Algebra and Trigonometry back-to-school program starts with a diagnostic assessment to evaluate your strengths and areas for improvement. Based on which, our algebra tutors and counselors draw out a learning path for you. During each tutoring session, our endeavor is to augment your algebra skills and make sure that you get that extra edge to do well once you are back to school.

Expert Algebra tutors  help students around the globe of all abilities to master each Algebra topic. They use the ‘Learning by Design’ teaching methodology to ensure that you acquire in-depth knowledge resulting in learning which is complete and exact.

Pre Algebra Learning

Our Algebra 2 online back to school program is supported by post-session-worksheets that help you retain taught concepts. Finally an end-of-course assessment is used to evaluate the Algebra skills you have assimilated during the program.

Talk to our representative about all that you need and how we can help you to improve, progress and eventually conquer Algebra.

Find out how eTutorWorld can help you solve complex Algebra problems effortlessly

No credit card required, nor any obligation to make a purchase. Just schedule the FREE TRIAL lesson to meet an Algebra 2 tutor & get help on any topic!

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