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Conservation of Earth

Grade 6 Science Worksheets

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Earth has an abundance of natural resources. Yet, many of those natural resources are in danger because of human progress. Non-renewable natural resources such as metals, minerals, fossil fuels, are particularly affected – they will not last long. Even plant, animal diversity is being threatened. All this demands urgent attention on the Conservation of these natural resources.

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What is Conservation?

Conservation is all about managing, protecting, and wisely using, natural resources so that they last longer for future generations. People working in this field are called Conservationists and their primary responsibility is to ensure that the environment can continue to provide for human needs without wastage, degradation, or destruction.

Here are some examples of how they help in the conservation of the earth –

  • Soil Conservation – prevent soil erosion, enhance soil fertility, use good farming practices like crop rotation, use fertilizers wisely and sparingly
  • Water Conservation – construct dams without large environmental impact, retain land water longer by building reservoirs
  • Forest Conservation – prevent degradation of forests, manage the supply of timber, ensure that camping and hunting activities do not destroy or degrade nature
  • Conservation of grazing lands– protect ranges which are essential for wild grazing animals such as cattle, sheep, horses
  • Wildlife Conservation – ensure the survival of wildlife species, prevent the destruction of their habitats such as rain forests, prevent over-fishing and over-hunting which deplete their populations
  • Mineral Conservation – deploy efficient mining and processing methods in the industry to reduce waste, recycle products made of aluminum, nickel, chromium, zinc, copper, and many others
  • Energy Conservation – reduce reliance on fossil fuels and shift to renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, sea waves
  • Urban Conservation – improve quality of life in cities, stop trees being cut down, build more green areas, reduce traffic and air pollution

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What Can You Do for Conservation?

A simple way to remember what conservation stands for is by adopting the 3 Rs.

  1. Reduce the amount of waste that you produce
  2. Reuse things as much as possible before replacing them
  3. Recycle things wherever possible by putting them to new purposes

Some of the ways in which these principles of conservation can be adopted by every single one of us are as follows –

  1. Only buy products that you really require
  2. Choose products with less packaging, so there is less wastage
  3. Buy products with reusable materials such as glass, cardboard, aluminum
  4. Upgrade electronic items instead of throwing them away and buying new ones
  5. Stop using non-degradable plastic bags and switch to environment-friendly ones
  6. Refill water bottles instead of buying new plastic bottles
  7. Segregate your waste so that recycling can work
  8. Adopt car-pooling and use public transport where possible
  9. Turn off unnecessary lights, devices, and appliances at home

Conservation is critical for the survival of plant and animal life on our planet and also for our own survival. If we save nature, we save ourselves.

Check Point

  1. Conservation deals with ______, ______, and ______, natural resources.
  2. Dams and reservoirs help in ______ conservation.
  3. Recycling products made of aluminum, nickel, chromium, zinc, copper, helps in ______ conservation.
  4. Preventing over-fishing and over-hunting helps in ______ conservation.
  5. The 3 Rs stand for ______, ______, and ______.

Answer Key

  1. Managing, Protecting, Wisely Using
  2. Water
  3. Mineral
  4. Wildlife
  5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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