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Finding a Caring Math Teacher

Finding a Caring Math Teacher

Despite the progress civilization has made, there persists the difficulty of finding a caring math teacher. The misconception that math teachers tend to be cold is an age-old one. Maths is associated with rational thought process, hence is considered non-emotional....
10 Winter Break Stay-at-home activities for preteens

10 Winter Break Stay-at-home activities for preteens

The cold winter is here and the below-freezing temperatures are enough to throw your kid’s activities off the track. Moreover, the sight of knee-deep snow outside can be a huge disappointment. The chill weather makes even the most adventurous child feel...
Thanksgiving Gifting Ideas for Your Child’s Future

Thanksgiving Gifting Ideas for Your Child’s Future

The aroma of pumpkin pie wafting in the air; the delicious stuffing served with roast turkey and the wonderful gifts all abounding in the gaily decorated shops. All these smells, sounds and sights are harbingers of the much-awaited holiday, Thanksgiving. Children and...
Students need to Eat Smart to Be Smart

Students need to Eat Smart to Be Smart

Eating For Optimal Academic Performance Probably almost any individual you talk to will agree that eating the right foods can be beneficial for students of all ages and can play a role in the actual academic performance students achieve. Students are given a mixed...
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