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Passion for Teaching Mathematics

In the course of a lifetime one may find a great deal of hidden talents which were not realized earlier. One of them is teaching subjects that one is fond of. The reasons for not pursuing what you like are usually practical. In case studies of career choices made by...
The Freedom and Creativity Equation

The Freedom and Creativity Equation

Trapped in a cage there will be only one thought crossing your mind and that is ‘when will I get out?’ Students react differently when their freedom is curbed. Many accept the authority unquestionably. Among these learners some of them persuade themselves that the...
Trigonometry- Play On!

Trigonometry- Play On!

With or without our knowledge the basics of trigonometry are taught in elementary school even if the topic is not included in the syllabus. A foundation is like a pillar to lean on. Without it we would not be able to proceed. When in doubt during the later stages of...
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