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Is PSAT Just a Precedence to the SAT?

Is PSAT Just a Precedence to the SAT?

There have been numerous views and discussions about the significance of the PSAT and the SAT – both as individual tests and in comparison with each other. Before delving into the debate of which is more important, if any, and the whys, we need a brief understanding...
5 Qualities To Look For In Your Child’s Tutor

5 Qualities To Look For In Your Child’s Tutor

A good tutor is hard to come by….be it a Math, Science or an English tutor…or even a tutor to help you prep for a test or exam! The demand for quality educators outside school is steadily growing. There are many reasons to it. Often parents like to expand their...
7 Ways To Help Your Child Manage Time

7 Ways To Help Your Child Manage Time

Successful people are great time managers. Remember, everyone has the same 24 hours to work with each day. Great scientists like Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton, leaders and innovators like Benjamin Franklin, all of them had the same two dozen hours everyday. Just...
SCAT Elementary Quantitative Worksheet

SCAT Elementary Quantitative Worksheet

This Math worksheet is a perfect way to kick start your child’s prep for the much-coveted SCAT, Centre for Talented Youth by John Hopkins.If your child is in grade 2 or 3, then the Elementary level for the SCAT is appropriate. As the SCAT is an above-grade level test,...
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