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 My child looks at me with a twinkling eye, asking, ‘Who will do my math homework today? Genie, elves, parents or I? If I do it myself, can I get some help to do it?’

Love, care, compassion and nurturing is what parents provide to their children to become beautiful human beings. Having been blessed with basic education and the resources to access the best education for children, parents endeavor to make appropriate choices about school, curriculum and courses. But does the effort stop here or is it a continuous process till your child is a senior? Most schools give homework for kids, but are they equipped to handle it on their own? Not always! 

Apart from classroom studies, homework is an essential part of schooling and education. It gives a child tasks to accomplish at a pace based on his level of learning, to ponder on concepts which need more time and to revise what was taught at school. It also gives time for creative thinking and expression. Homework urges them discover solutions or identify problem areas in subjects like Math, Science and English. However, children can experience difficulty in understanding and concepts and that’s when they need homework help. 

Often parents do try and pitch in, but may find it stressful because of the following reasons:

1)  Their jobs can be quite demanding which affects their energy and patience while engaging in homework for kids

2)  There could be time constraints because of traveling, jobs, household chores or other kids at home clamoring for attention

3)  Children’s routines and schedules may be different from those of their parents’

4)  Parents may lack subject knowledge and expertise in a particular subject

5)  Parents may find it difficult to explain, train or teach the child because training is a necessary skill to impart subject knowledge

6)  Parents may find it difficult to understand child psychology or lack pedagogy skills.

To be able to provide the best to their children parents often carry out internet searches for ready-made solutions for math homework with little or no success. This is because internet can provide a solution to Math problems, with just one question at a time, with little or no attention to the concept involved. That is why parents are now turning to hire tutors to provide attention and continuity in academics. Thus, eTutorworld as an organization is gaining popularity for providing world class education with online tutoring and homework help in K-12 Math, English and Science. A satisfied parent after exhausting all other efforts for ‘math homework help’  said that, “my child needs to strengthen her/his concepts for which online tutoring is an excellent option – be it Math, English or Science”. Parents of students who have attended eTutorWorld’s free demo session for online math help, were convinced with the quality of tutoring. Many have happily registered for online Math tutoring and have later extended their packages to include Science and English.  eTutorWorld owes its success to happy  and satisfied parents and children. Most of them avail different offers and multiple benefits year after year.

Some parents have brought out the benefits accrued to them because of online tutoring: 

1) The attention provided during personalized online tutoring sessions, builds confidence to be able to solve new problems on his own

2) An improvement in grades is a natural outcome of regular and consistent practice

3) Children gradually become independent as they follow routines and are able to schedule classes for homework help and tutoring on their own

4) Clarity of difficult concepts becomes the basis of ability to understand higher concepts that would be introduced in higher school grades

5) Children get prepared for tests like SAT, PSAT and possibly do better than students with no exposure to professional online tutoring

Development of skills in Math, Science and English is taken care of  at eTutorworld where the administrative and operations departments focus on all back end activities, so their expert tutors can focus on what they are best at – molding lives and young talent. These tutors are also backed by subject experts who design learning modules as a complete series   staying abreast with the latest curriculum, courses and test patterns. For children grappling with how to do my math homework, log onto www.eTutorWorld.com and discover the miracles of professional online home tutoring  with just a click.

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