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Whether you’re a high school student or the parent of a young scholar, you’re currently conducting research on programs that can help to improve an SAT test score. Chances are that you have seen some programs that guarantee a certain increase in points on the SAT. However, you need to proceed with caution when it comes to these guarantees. While it’s true that some of these programs offer full refunds if the guaranteed score is not met, you still must keep some important criteria in mind.

Potential Increase Possibility
You have to start by assessing what the possible potential increase even is. In other words, imagine a company promising that your SAT score will increase by 130 points. However, now also envision that you already have a score that is less than 130 points from the maximum score that you can earn on the exam. Obviously, this program is not going to be able to guarantee you an increase of 130 points.

Increase and Exact Score
Also, a difference exists between guaranteeing an exact score and guaranteeing an increase by a specific number of points. A company is more likely to guarantee that you will personally increase your score by a certain amount than that you will earn a specific score. You also have to determine what they are basing the increase on. For example, if you took the SAT test more than once, you need to confirm with the company which score they are guaranteeing the increase on.

Furthermore, you must make sure that you read all of the stipulations with a careful eye. The company might require you to log a certain number of hours of study per week in order to qualify for the money-back guarantee. Some companies might only give you a portion of your money back in the event that you don’t achieve the guaranteed score. Still other companies may require you to take the exam within a certain timeframe. You need to make sure you know what you’re getting into before agreeing to any such program.

Room for Error
You must remember that companies leave room for error. If you sign up for a program that offers a money-back guarantee, the company is essentially acknowledging the possibility that you might not get that score. While the entity likely has a strong sense of confidence that you will, it is impossible for any person or business to predict exactly what score you’re going to get on your exam.

Preparation Efforts
Putting in effort is also necessary. Taking only one SAT practice test, for example, might not be enough. If you are going to sign up for a particular tutoring plan with a certain company, you have to follow the guidance given. You’ll need to practice, and you’ll have to pay close attention. Furthermore, on the day of the exam, you need to employ the strategies that you were taught during the program. The company cannot guarantee that you will take any of these actions. As a result, the company also cannot guarantee that you will definitely earn a specific score.

Ultimately, no one can guarantee a specific SAT score with absolute certainty. The best anyone can do is make educated predictions. Select a tutoring service that you’re comfortable with. Additionally, put all of the efforts that you can into your studies.


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