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It is common knowledge that these days’ children often get derailed or sidetracked while they’re on their summer breaks. With distractions such as video games, social media handles, multiple TV shows and movies on Netflix, students tend to get involved with such diversions from their academics and are unable to cope with school work later on.

It is important to keep your child engaged mentally and physically over the summer break as they might get bored and engage themselves in useless activities that can be detrimental to their progress. For example, making them participate in an upcoming Drama or dance class, or engaging them in Writing, Math and Poetry clubs can have a positive impact on them, and help develop their hobbies. Children can be introduced to reading magazines and novels in their spare time before going to bed, or letting them get creative by writing down they’re very own stories to readout. Going on a family trip to a different country or place which hasn’t been discovered, can prove to be an enriching experience for your child. They can learn about different cultures, different people and see new landscapes, adding to their knowledge and growth. This also gives everyone in the family an opportunity to bond with each other and understand your children better. Thus, planning a trip a few months beforehand does take some effort, but is definitely worth it later on. Children can also be taken to meet other relatives to help them learn about their family history and gain exposure from meeting different kinds of people.

It is usually the responsibility of the parent or guardian to overlook the progress of their child during these summer months. Along with such extra-curricular activities, there is no harm in including a few academic lessons, so that your child remains familiar with what has been taught in school a month ago. And going back to those Math and English lessons aren’t dreaded anymore. All of this can be achieved at the comfort of your own homes! There are various free worksheets available for all subjects and all grades online. Students can also get help with clearing their concepts on various online tutoring websites such as Etutorworld. All that is needed is a device with a good internet connection and a pair of earphones. Such online tutoring websites provide professional help to students for Math, English and various other STEM subjects, whether it is to clear some doubts or brush through concepts over the holidays. They provide sessions of about 50 mins each, depending upon the child’s concentration span and interest in a particular session. The tutors also discover creative ways to make a topic interesting and understandable at the same time! Thus not ruining the best time a student has over the summer break.

Over these summer months, a child is able to progress and grow in many ways. Every child is unique, and it is important to acknowledge and nurture those unique qualities in them. We at Etutorworld strongly believe that every student learns differently and learns at their own pace. Hence, we treat the case of each child separately, adapting teaching methods suitable for every child. Making sure we add to the fun journey a child goes through during their summer break. Children can also register for a free trial session on our website without any credit card details required.

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