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Tips for Preparation of Advanced SCAT

Tips for Preparation of Advanced SCAT

School and College Ability Test (SCAT) is a standardized test conducted by the John Hopkins Center for students in grades 2 to 8. Elementary SCAT, Intermediate SCAT, and Advanced SCAT are the three levels of the test administered to 2nd and 3rd graders, 4th and 5th...
Best Ways to Prepare for CogAT

Best Ways to Prepare for CogAT

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is for children who perform at a high-level and exhibit leadership skills in any field to assess their critical thinking and reasoning abilities. These children can be admitted into gifted and talented (GT) programs based on their...
What is SCAT Test and How to Prepare for it?

What is SCAT Test and How to Prepare for it?

The School and College Ability Test, or SCAT as it is commonly called, is a standardized, multiple-choice test administered by the John Hopkins CTY (Center for Talented Youth). SCAT tests are conduced to assess the verbal reasoning and math abilities of gifted...
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