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Why digital learning?

Technology has revolutionized the education world. However, things weren’t always like this; since its embryonic stage in the 1960s, digital learning has been put under the lens for the apparent lack of control. The numbers, on the other hand, dictate a different story now- in 2017, 77% of US corporations were using online learning and by the end of this year, it’s expected to touch 98% of the corporations including JH-CTY.

The coronavirus pandemic has become a catalyst for online learning. People who mistakenly viewed digital learning with apprehension now understand the advantages it actually offers over traditional instructor-led courses. Gifted schools across the country are now resetting their priorities and starting to turn their attention toward online programs.

Digital learning is best suited for students who are planning to take SCAT. Unlike the traditional classroom where students relied exclusively on school teachers for their study material, E-learning teaches students to be mature independent learners. Such skills are much required for taking the SCAT test and gifted programs.

How an Online Gifted Summer Program can help your child?

  1. Diverse study material- Research reveals that through online learning programs learners consume a wide range of study material which results in a deeper understanding of the subject. Detailed subject matter knowledge is regarded as one of the prerequisites for taking a gifted test.
  2. Social exposure- Being the smartest kid in the class often comes at a social cost. The resulting sense of isolation can be assuaged by the company of other like-minded gifted students from across the country.
  3. Self-paced learning– One thing that all gifted learners truly feel thankful for is the learning flexibility they get to enjoy in gifted schools. Allowing them to move individually through courses of their choice at their own pace is the liberty they don’t get in traditional curriculum-based programs.
  4. Performance evaluation- The regular performance check is an essential part of digital learning. Engaging study material and challenging SCAT practice test, not only increases the success rate manifold, but it also satisfies the intellectual appetite of the academically gifted child.
  5. A supplement for independent learners- The academic settings and curriculum designed to serve the masses cannot cater much to gifted learners. Quite often the slow-paced learning becomes a big learning hurdle for the bright minds. Online gifted summer programs are the right fuel for high academic achievers.
  6. Explore interests- Digital learning offers the chance to advanced learners to explore unconventional subjects. Schools’ limited funding and logistical restrictions deprive gifted learners of the opportunity to study the subjects of their interest and capability. Whether it is coding, engineering, creative writing, astrobiology, or political activism, cyber schools offer a variety of programs to explore a child’s interests.
  7. No classroom distractions- in the company of likeminded and intellectually gifted learners, all sorts of distractions are eliminated. Small size groups not only ensure the idol instructor-learner ratio, it also promotes healthy discussions and a better learning environment.

  At etutorworld, the SCAT test prep course is specifically designed to meet the learning capabilities of academically advanced students. Our highly qualified and experienced instructors understand the intellectual needs of gifted learners. Sign-up for the free SCAT practice test and avail the free session without sharing your credit card information.

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