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It’s easy for children to get off-track with their academics during those long summer months of camping trips, boat rides, video games, and summer vacations. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as “summer slide.” It’s a good idea to counteract this natural tendency early on by devising a plan of action, and investing in an online summer program. It is also an ideal way to engage children in an exciting, constructive way. Below are the top seven reasons why a quality summer program is an excellent choice to boost children’s academic performance in a less structured academic environment.

  1. 1. To Constructively Pass Time: During summer, boredom can be a huge problem once exhilarating events, such as a trip to the mountains have passed. Kids need mental stimulation, and it’s too tempting for parents to switch on a tablet to stream mindless media. An online summer program will constructively stimulate children.

2. To Boost Confidence Through Skill-Building: Since these types of programs reinforce concepts that are already acquired, such review and re-mastery can boost a child’s confidence in powerful ways as he/she prepares for a new academic year.

3. To Give Kids an Academic Edge: These programs not only provide a useful review of previously learned concepts, they also explore new concepts that kids will learn during the course of the upcoming school year.

4. To Review and Reinforce Concepts: As previously mentioned, online summer programs offer a less structured means of boosting confidence by re-introducing a host of concepts. The class is more stimulating overall since students are already familiar with the concepts and can typically work faster through the old material.

5. To Enjoy a More Convenient and Relaxed Learning Experience: Online courses are naturally more self-paced, so students can appreciate a schedule that’s more flexible than that of the traditional school year. Students will enjoy the extra freedom that comes from working around their schedules that are free from school exams, tests and assignments.

6. To Learn Something New for the New School Year: Aside from pure academic review and acquisition of new concepts, there are actually a number of unique learning options available in the summer months, particularly online summer camps. Summer enrichment courses, such as reading programs, are also an excellent means of inspiring children to learn while having fun. Many of these online camps are centered on a fascinating academic theme such as the night sky or music composition/appreciation.

7. To Help Children Catch Up with Their Classmates:If students need to complete missing credits, a summer program can provide them with a means of obtaining these credits.

For parents who feel that summer courses are the perfect fit for their child(ren), eTutorWorld.com offers an in-depth summer courses that evaluates students by first exploring the cause of students’ academic setbacks over the summer. This service is committed to targeting the unique needs of each student and creating a program that will place them on the path to academic success.

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