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Writing and higher education go hand-in-hand. Writing skills require early attention that many teachers or parents do not recognize until bad habits have set in. The writing skill set is proven to improve test taking, essay writing, homework assignments, and more.

How to Improve your Writing Skills

1. Positive Reinforcement

Motivation is a hard thing to come by in many students. Teachers expectations on writing is a given, however, asking for quality produces better results than expecting it.

2. Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice makes perfect is a cliché, but accurate when skillfully written. Tiny changes in classroom behavior or at home learning makes all the difference. A five-minute journaling window is enough to improve everyday writing and organize thoughts in a way that utilizes grammar and sentence structure. Practicing for quality and not quantity is crucial. Websites like eTutorWorld give a student at-home exercises that are fun, too.

3. Reading

The link between reading and writing is proven. Enforcing both in tandem does not have to feel like a Herculean task. Studying style and structure produces better writing outcomes with the outside knowledge that fiction and non-fiction reading provides.

4. Highlight Importance

Telling a student or child that writing well is important. However, examples are always a lighter and easier way for them to understand. A missed opportunity or a personal story will reflect in a student who otherwise would not “get” the importance of getting their point across clearly.

5. Clear & Concise Instructions

Imparting instructions is tricky. Explaining instructions may take longer, but understanding what the expected outcome is better than an outcome that could result in undesirable writing habits. Kids like to think out of the box. Confusion leads to counterproductive outcomes and clouds young creative minds.

6. Constructive Feedback

Teachers and parents often look at an assignment, consider it “good enough” and move on to the next objective. However, an honest feedback will produce better performances each time. Tips, hints, and nudges mean a lot to students. Positive reinforcement from a tutor is the biggest go-getter for students.

Importance of Writing Skills

Writing is not merely an academic skill. Workplaces require different levels of skill set. From technical writing to creating content to writing emails, at-work culture calls for various sorts of sentence structure and vocabulary.

The task of writing is a way parents, and teachers can tell if a student is learning how to read at the correct level. Writing reflects understanding and is known for its ability to detect learning issues.

But, for students who are in the process of learning, motivation to write is a tad more complicated. Creative content is not about merely know-how; it is about how they think. Even a few sentences a day improves test taking and essays for school.

Reading and sounding out words is a lifetime process. Writing also is a continuing task. Whether its filling out a job application or writing a note to a friend, the two together come in handy from.

The better the approach at school and home, the smoother the lifetime of learning!

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