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There are no words that can measure the depth of a mother’s love. She is the embodiment of pure love- that one person who can take any role in our lives but no one can possibly be her substitute. Motherhood is the greatest thing and the hardest too. Remember the times when your mother was as nervous as you were for YOUR upcoming test? And that birthday bash she had spent months for just planning things out? The list of sacrifices a mother makes for her kids is truly endless. The famous Greek tragedian Sophocles once aptly said, “Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life.”

On a special occasion, dedicated to this extraordinary soul in our lives, let’s make sure to shower her with all the love and pampering she deserves. We have listed for you a few ideas to help you plan out the perfect Mother’s Day for her. And don’t worry all our ideas are corona virus-free; you can use all the tips without having to step out. Also remember, it isn’t about how much money you can shell out for Mother’s Day gift, it’s the love and gratitude that actually counts.

  1. Start with a delightful morning– there can’t be a better start than breakfast in bed for a person who works tirelessly to nourish and nurture the entire family. Prepare her favorite breakfast meal and don’t forget that presentation matters (you can pluck a few flowers from her garden; she won’t mind it for as long as they are being put to good use). 
  1. The power of words– it’s time to show off your writing skills. Let your mother see the hard work you’ve been putting in your creative writing classes. Make a card or write a Happy Mother’s Day For us language-driven creatures, words go deep into our consciousness and reside there forever as a beautiful memory. 
  1. Pamper her with a head massage– due to Covid19 you cannot give her the luxury of a day at the spa but you can surely give her a relaxing head massage at home. Light some fragrant candles and give her if not entirely then a spa-like-experience. 
  1. Dust off your childhood tapes– time is the most precious thing and a mother devotes plenty of it to her kids. Take a trip down the memory lane with her. Play those funny, embarrassing tapes of your childhood. Spend the time with her to thank her for all the time she has dedicated to you. 
  1. Give her a day off– motherhood demands ceaseless hard work. Everyone gets a day off from school and work but not a mother. Dishes, cleaning, laundry, cooking it’s a never-ending cycle. Your mother will surely appreciate this Mother’s Day gift more than anything- a day exclusively for herself. 
  1. A promise of better grades– For a mother, nothing is more fulfilling and rewarding than seeing her kids growing up to be successful and established. On the occasion of this Mother’s Day, set your learning goals and prepare an action plan. Let her know that you are going to work hard and make her proud. 

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