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Teaching the young ones remotely can be a demanding affair, but the current circumstances have left parents with little choice. Schools across the world have closed temporarily and online learning has become ‘the new normal’ as the planet continues to fight against the pandemic. Parents with preschool kids have it hard, especially if they have no previous experience of educating children. However, if you have decided to homeschool your preschooler, there are a few things you can do to facilitate smooth sailing through this endeavor.

1. Create the classroom effect

To get your kid accustomed to homeschooling, you can use the items and materials synonymous with classrooms, like a table, chairs, whiteboards, calendars, books, play area, etc. Set up a space that your child can use as their study and undertake their daily educational activities. A designated ‘classroom’ will make it easier for your kid to focus their energy on their education whenever they are there.

2. Develop a routine

It is crucial for your child to develop a routine when homeschooling. Routines instill discipline and structure, so make a schedule that comprises the different times for learning, playing, eating, and napping. Doing so not only makes it easy for them to acclimatize to the schedule, but also gives you some leeway to go about your own chores. Make sure they are ready for their day at a particular time, and that their day ends at a pre-determined hour. Dedicate around 30 minutes for each activity to start with, and make changes as you go.

For instance, if their day starts at 9:00 A.M., teach them the alphabet till 9:30, then shift to building blocks till 10:00, then math for the next half an hour, followed by play-time with clay, etc. Limit their learning sessions to twice or three times a day as anything in excess can get overwhelming for them. Once they get used to the idea of homeschooling, you can increase the number of sessions as per their requirements. 

3. Teach them through play

Education in our early childhoods is more deeply ingrained when taught through play. Kids who are just 3 to 4 years old don’t need formal learning. Teaching them concepts and topics through fun ways will cement their learning and make it easier for you to successfully homeschool your preschooler. For instance, building blocks can be used as an activity to teach them about shapes and their attributes, like triangles have three sides, rectangles have two long sides and two short ones, etc. Play-based learning is the most effective form of educating your preschooler. 

4. Use online platforms to learn and engage with other kids

Tools such as Zoom and Google Meet have been designed to aid and enhance virtual communications. You can use them to set up a daily story time or virtual hangouts with other kids so your child has room for engagement. Creating small groups within communities and enabling your kid to spend time with other children will make online learning both fun and effective. Online platforms can also be used to teach them the alphabet, numbers, sounds, and more. Promoting peer learning while homeschooling your preschooler will not only make them knowledgeable, but will also instill in them the confidence to interact with others.

5. Get support from online tutoring services

There are plenty of online tutoring services that cater to K-12 students. If you are finding it hard to manage homeschooling your preschooler, don’t hesitate to reach out to virtual tutors who can focus on their academic growth, while you tend to them during their play time. These services also help in designing curriculums for your preschooler, so you can avail their help and set up the syllabus for your child and teach them according to the plan.

Homeschooling has been gaining a lot of popularity is recent times, and if you’re considering online learning for your preschooler, these tips are sure to come in handy!

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