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Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Resources

Grade 7 Science Worksheets

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What is a renewable natural resource?

Renewable resources are resources that are restored by the Nature over short periods of time. This type of resource is much better to use because often a resource renews so fast that it will have restored by the time we have used it up.

Solar energy is a resource as the sun is ever shining, and the solar energy never runs out.

Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Resources – Grade 7 Science Worksheets

Credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/abendstimmung-back-light-background-backlit-355805/

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Wind Energy

Wind energy is another renewable resource. We can’t stop the wind from blowing so it’s ever present, which makes it a renewable resource.

Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Resources – Grade 7 Science Worksheets

Credit: https://overwatchuas.solutions/energy/wind-turbines/51

Plants are also used to grow for food and manufacture products. They are also renewable resources. Trees used for timber and furniture, cotton used for clothes and fabric and food crops, such as corn and wheat, rice, millet, are planted and re grown after the harvest is done.

Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Resources – Grade 7 Science Worksheets

Credit: http://maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com/Sun-Light-Sunny-Sunnyday-Sunlight-Sunnydays-1571708

Animals are also a renewable resource because, like plants, we can breed them to increase their population. Livestock, like cows, pigs and chickens, all are renewable resources.

Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Resources – Grade 7 Science Worksheets

Credit: https://www.organicnet.co/en/info-center/resource/show/how-to-build-productive-organic-soil

Water is a very important renewable resource. We can never really use up all the water in the world, but we also can’t have more. There is water on Earth, In various forms – as a liquid ….the oceans, a solid our polar ice caps and glaciers and a gas as clouds and water vapor.

Water is used to get hydroelectric power, which we get from water flowing through dams. This is renewable resource. Here just the flowing water is used as a mechanism to generate electricity. Like the sun and wind, the resource is used just the way it is without us making any changes or doing any work.

Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Resources – Grade 7 Science Worksheets

Credit: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/HrWkhgQyoqxCXdrP-c6bSQZCtUXwsaTNr5vJqAzJIOQPT-0YKvAQZmS2Tutt4q9n1TAK=s128

Geothermal energy is a renewable resource that provides heat from the earth – ‘geo’ means ‘earth’ and ‘thermal’ means ‘heat.’ All of the volcanoes on Earth that release lava when they erupt are a huge source of Renewable energy.

The heat from within the earth escapes in places where there is a crack, usually where the crust is very thin. Old Faithful in Yellow stone National Park, and other natural springs and geysers happens because of geothermal energy and that water is hotter than 430°F.

Biofuels also known as biogas are resources made from living organisms –that is biological fuels. Ethanol is a biofuel because it comes from corn. Biodiesel is vehicle fuel made from vegetable oil, and there are certain cars that run on used oil from restaurants!

Firewood, animal dung and peat is used to burn for heat and cooking mostly in rural and mountainous areas. They are a result of dead or decaying matter of living organisms.


Non-renewable energy are sources that will eventually run out and will not be restored in our lifetimes or even in many, many lifetimes as for these it takes millions of years to form.

Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Resources – Grade 7 Science Worksheets

What are some examples of non-renewable resource?

Mostly non-renewable energy sources are fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

Carbon is the main element in fossil fuels. It took around 300 million years ago for fossil fuels to form and that time period is called the Carboniferous Period.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, even the time before the dinosaurs, Earth had a different continental and oceanic structure. It was covered with wide, seas and rainforests.

Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Resources – Grade 7 Science Worksheets

Forest cover, algae and plankton were largely found in these old wetlands. They absorbed enough sunlight and have created energy through photosynthesis. When they died, the organisms sunk to the bottom of the sea or lake. Over the years the dead plants were crushed under the seabed. Sand, stones and other sediment stacked on top of them, generating high heat and pressure beneath. Hence the plant and animal remains slowly turned into fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and petroleum). Now we have a huge stock of fossil fuel energy everywhere in the planet.

Differences between Renewable and Non Renewable sources

Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Resources – Grade 7 Science Worksheets

 When coal and petroleum are burned, they release particles that can pollute the air, water, and land. Some of these particles are and set aside, but many of them are released into the air.

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Check point

I. Free Response Questions:

  1. Explain how solar energy and wind energy are renewable.
  2. Differences between renewable and non renewable energy

II. Choose the right answer.

  1. Which of the following is a renewable resource?

a. Wind
b. Petrol
c. Coal

  1. What is a renewable resource?

a. A resource that is replenished in no time or very little time.
b. A resource that cannot be replenished in a life time or many life times
c. None of the above

  1. Which of these is a non renewable resource?

a. Water
b. Wind
c. Natural gas

  1. Which of the following do u think is environment friendly to produce electricity?

a. Nuclear Energy
b. Hydroelectricity
c. Thermal energy (produced from coal)

  1. Which of the following can never be used up?

a. Coal
b. Wind
c. Petroleum

Answer Key

I. Free Response Questions:

  1. Solar energy is a renewable resource as the sun is ever shining, and the solar energy never runs out. Wind energy is another renewable resource. We can’t stop the wind from blowing so it’s ever present, which makes it a renewable resource.

II. Choose the right answer.

  1. Wind
  2.  A resource that is replenished in no time or very little time
  3. Natural gas
  4. Hydroelectricity
  5. Wind

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