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It is essential for a doctor to medically diagnose the patient before going ahead with any kind of treatment. For that the patient is asked questions and often the patient’s physical parameters are tested.

Once all the responses and medical reports come in, the doctor analyses the data and takes a holistic approach towards giving the patient remedial therapy. And the treatment goes on until the patient has acquired the desired physical well-being.

Similarly, before a tutor can start teaching a student, it is essential to know the student’s academic skills. A diagnostic assessment gives a tutor information about the student’s current academic strengths and weaknesses. As the data from the diagnostic is analysed, the tutor understands the knowledgeand skills her student currently has and what preconditions the student needs to master the content. This essential information enables a tutor to plan remedial and enriched content that will help her to lead the student forward effectively and eventually achieve.

For instance, if a student is behind any grade level, the tutor needs to find ways to catch her student up while maintaining progress towards the larger objectives. To do this, she needs to examine her long-term plan and carefully eliminate learning goals that the student has firmly grasped and arenot an important foundation to subsequent learning standards. Next, she should identify areas where shecan integrate remedial learning objectives and review for standards that students need to study grade-level content. It is rather challenging to balance the need for teaching prerequisite knowledge and skills, at the same time lead the student to master the required grade level standards.

A tutor needs to critically think about what her student needs to learn. For this she needs to understand how to create, group and sequence learning objectives. She needs to adjust her lesson plans to meet the needs of a students.

At times, it may be necessary for the tutor to prioritize certain learning objectives over unimportant standards that can be later for enrichment or omitted altogether. Prioritizing goals should be done very cautiously after careful consideration. If the tutor decides that one standard is more important than another, then she may be depriving her student of a vital grade-level standard that other students will achieve.

To know if these objectives are in synch with long term plans, it is necessary for the tutor to administer summative assessments after every academic concept is mastered by the student. Regular assessments help a tutor to understand if the intended objectives have been achieved and plan the future learning path.

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