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With AP exams around the corner, last minute preparations for them are on in full swing. Here are some tips to catch up and get set for the AP week. Your efforts deserve a 4+ AP Score


  • Reviewing content over and over again builds your knowledge and confidence level too.
  • Most AP exams include both Multiple-choice questions and Free Response questions. However, the structure, time period and instructions of a section differs for each subject. Have a good idea of all these for your respective subject so you know what to expect during the exam.
  • Learning the subject vocabulary for your AP exam will help you in understanding questions better.
  • Be clear on what you can carry and what not for the exam. Like a ruler or a straightedge is required only or AP Physics, whereas a protractor is not allowed at all.
  • You’ll need pencils (No 2) for selection of answers for Multiple-choice questions whereas a pen with black or dark blue ink will be needed for your Free-response questions. If you need to change your choice for Multiple-choice questions, erase the earlier selection properly…so carry a good eraser too.
  • Carry your six-digit school code to be entered on the exam booklet cover. Home schoolers are provided with their state or country code at the time of the exam.
  • Watches that beep or have an alarm, electronic equipment (other than approved calculators), T-shirts with subject related content on them, scratch papers, colored pencils, correction fluid, food and drinks are an absolute no-no to carry for an AP exam.
  • It’s Better late than Never! Take help from teachers or go beyond your class if you need to ask questions or need someone to evaluate your preparation. Some moral support never does any harm!


  • Pace yourself from the very first minute. For the Multiple Choice Questions Section, do not spend more than 40 seconds on an average for a single question. Mark answers to questions you are sure of. For the ones, you have no idea about the answers, circle those question numbers. Questions numbers which need thinking or calculations can be underlined. Come back to mark answers for such questions after marking the sure ones. Only if you still have time left, go back to the circled question nos. to do some guesswork. You can definitely try your luck with such questions, as no marks are deducted for wrong answers.
  • On the Free Response questions, read each question again and again for hidden cues and implied questions. Start writing only when you are confident of answering the question correctly.
  • If you are permitted to use a calculator for a question/section, then you are expected to give an accurate answer.
  • Make sure not to restate the question in your answer. Instead, write answers that are precise and to the point rather than beating around the bush.
  • On the multi part questions, go through all the question parts before you start writing. It is not necessary that parts of the question are related. If you not know the answer to an earlier part don’t stop. Give your answers to the latter parts of the questions even if they use approximations to the earlier question part.
  • Even for simple calculations, show your work. There are no points earned for numbers not supported by data/work.
  • Not writing the correct units or not naming the axes/graph appropriately for your answers will take away some brownie points.
  • If you know that you can ask for, then do not hesitate to ask for tables, charts, equations and constants sheet.

Most of all be confident and have faith in the efforts you have put in for the last so many days. You deserve to do well and no one can deny it to you!!

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