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Academic excellence is the primary goal of education. A person with good academic background gains more self-esteem and achieves professional success. The process of developing this merit needs to be initiated by parents, right from the early years of education. Though schools provide the platform and training to impart academic knowledge, parents have a special role to play in converting the acquired knowledge to brilliance.

Children learn better in the comfort of the home environment when their parents provide additional support to their studies. Individual attention and close monitoring of the progress are essential for ensuring that the children are in the right track towards meritorious achievements. Parents are finding it increasingly difficult to devote more time for this purpose due to their busy work schedules. This challenge can be well-addressed by embracing online tutoring methods.

Here are some of the reasons why online tutoring is the best supplementary education method in facilitating academic excellence:

1. Personalized attention

Courses can be designed based on the individual needs of the students. A personalized tutoring package can be planned according to their performance levels in different subjects. Teaching methodologies can also be customized in accordance with the individual learning style of the students. The subjects of interest of the students or the subjects where the student need more emphasis can be selected by the parents and included as the core subject in the course.

2. Choice of experts

The advantage in adopting online tutoring is the availability of expert teachers. Tutors with excellent skills and proven success are carefully selected by the online tutoring institutes to offer the virtual teaching services. The profiles of these tutors can be further compared and the tutor best suitable for the learning demands of their children can be chosen by the parents.

There is also the possibility of appointing different tutors for different subjects. This specialized expertise in each subject will prove extremely beneficial to enhance the performance of students. It may not be affordable in case of conventional tutoring.

3. Convenience in learning

Online tutoring model offers flexibility in learning to students. Scheduling of classes can be based on the student’s availability. Due to the availability of special learning materials and guides online, the students can study at their own pace and time of convenience in advance. They can get their queries answered quickly during the online tutoring sessions.

If a specific subject seems overwhelming or monotonous to the students, they can choose a different subject for learning and come back to the complex subject at a later point of time. They can also record the teaching sessions for reference.

This method is convenient for parents as well because the need for commuting to a tutoring center is eliminated thereby saving valuable time and enhancing the knowledge acquisition process.

4. Interesting and interactive

Online learning is more interesting to the student as it is interactive. As major part of their learning in schools include online methods like videos and presentations, online tutoring will ensure the consistency in the use of learning tools.  The visual information of the digital course materials will help students to learn more effectively and remember concepts easily. Research has proven that with learning aided by videos and presentations, students tend to retain more than 90% of what is being taught. As students prefer to use tablets and laptops, they will be more willing to learn using e-learning methods. They rarely get bored when online tools are used for learning.

5. Scope for assessing the tutors

Due to the possibility of recording the online sessions for review, parents have the ability to track the performance of the tutors and reassess the extension of their services periodically. In case of unsatisfactory teaching performance of a specific tutor, they also have the option of choosing different tutors.

With great flexibility in learning, the professional guidance by the best educators, and the smart learning methods, online tutoring will provide that extra edge to the students to excel academically and achieve unlimited success in this competitive world.

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