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Online Pre-Algebra Tutoring: Rounding Off Decimals

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Learn How to Round off Decimals from Certified Online Pre-Algebra Tutor

Rounding off is a kind of estimating that is the numbers are only approximate.

To round off decimals:

  1. Find the rounding digit and look at the digit just to the right of it. This digit on the right tells us whether to round up or round down.
  2. If that digit is less than 5, do not change the rounding digit but drop all digits to the right of it that is round down.
  3. If that digit is greater than or equal to five, add one to the rounding digit and drop all digits to the right of it that is round up.

Let’s understand with an example

  1. What is $ 48.30 rounded to the nearest 10 cents?

Find the place you want to round. Look one place to the right. If the digit is less than 5, round down. If the digit is 5 or higher, round up.

First, find the digit in the tenths place. This is the place you want to round:

Now look one place to the right:

0 is less than 5, so you will round down. Replace all the digits to the right of the tenths place by zeroes:
$48.30 → $48.30

b. What is $835 rounded to the nearest 10 dollars?

Find the place you want to round. Look one place to the right. If the digit is less than 5, round down. If the digit is 5 or higher, round up.


First, find the digit in the tens place. This is the place you want to round:

Now look one place to the right:

This number is a 5, so you will round up. First, replace all the digits to the right of the tens place by zeroes:
$835 → $830

Now add 1 to the other part of the number:
$830 → $840

Check Point

  1. What is $216.72 rounded to the nearest 10 cents?
  2. What is $ 47 rounded to the nearest 10 dollars?
  3. What is $ 799.17 rounded to the nearest dollar?
  4. What is $276.07 rounded to the nearest 100 dollars?
  5. What is $8.75 rounded to the nearest 10 cents?
Answer key
  1. $ 216.70
  2. $ 50
  3. $ 799.00
  4. $ 300
  5. $ 8.80

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